Authors, Translators, and Visual Artists
ED BARRETT is Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at MIT, where his research, teaching and publications focus on poetry and digital media. His poetry books: include The Sinatra n (2016); Toward Blue Peninsula (2014); Down New Utrecht Avenue (2011); Bosston (2008); Kevin White (2007); Or Current Resident (2005); Rub Out —Three Verse Novels (2003); Sheepshead Bay (2001); Breezy Point (2000); Practical Lullabies for Joe (1999); Common Preludes (1994); The Leaves Are Something This Year (1992); Theory of Transportation (1990); and 7×3 (1987). Other works include Antigone (translated from the Greek; produced Off-Broadway, 1982) and an opera libretto, Shaman (text translated from Navajo; premier, Manhattan Chamber Opera Company, NYC 1987).
MATSUO BASHŌ was the pseudonym of Matsuo Munefusa, (1644–1694). He is considered the supreme Japanese haiku poet, who greatly enriched the 17-syllable haiku form and made it an accepted medium of artistic expression. In 1684, Bashō made the first of a series of journeys through Japan. His accounts of his travels combine haiku and prose, an approach that prefigured the development of haibun. One of these travel texts, Oku no hosomichi (1694; The Narrow Road to the Deep North), describing his visit to northern Japan, is one of the great works of Japanese literature.
CHARLES BEADLE was a world traveler who was born at sea in 1881. When he was eighteen years old he expatriated from England and spent a dozen years exploring Africa. In his mid-twenties he organized an expedition to Fez and traveled there disguised as a dancing girl, to interview the sultan of Morocco. In the 1910s he lived in Montmartre, where he befriended Beatrice Hastings, the mistress of Modigliani and translator of Max Jacob. Modigliani later portrayed Beadle in a drawing. During World War I he traveled across the U.S. and Mexico, publishing stories in Adventure and the International, a journal edited by Aleister Crowley. He returned to Paris in 1919, eventually moving to the French Riviera. In 1938 Obelisk Press published his eighth novel, Dark Refuge: a modern masterpiece that fell into obscurity. It contains thinly disguised portraits of Modigliani, Jacob, Hastings, the art dealer Léopold Zborowski, and various other figures who haunted the demimonde. But the novel’s brazen portrayal of drug-fueled orgies prevented it from being distributed in the Anglo-Saxon world despite its literary merit and lyrical beauty. In 1941 Faber and Faber published Artist Quarter, a nonfiction work pseudonymously coauthored by Beadle with Douglas Goldring, which is still considered to be the urtext of Modigliani biography.
ACE BOGGESS is author of six books of poetry, most recently Escape Envy. His writing has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, Notre Dame Review, Harvard Review, Mid-American Review, and other journals. An ex-con, he lives in Charleston, West Virginia, where he writes and tries to stay out of trouble.
SAÚL CALVO (Saúl Josue Calvo Romero) is a recent graduate in ecotourism at ICETUR Institute, and he has postponed a job for Surcos Tours (which received the Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice of 2023) at Corcovado National Park in order to continue has studies in biology and relevant subjects. (Corcovado is a nature preserve situated on the Peninsula de Osa, Costa Rica. ) Relatively new to wildlife photography, he is filled with ambition and love for wildlife and its conservation. He can be contacted at
ROB COUTEAU is a writer and visual artist from Brooklyn whose fiction, poetry, and prose have been praised in Midwest Book Review, Publishers Weekly, Evergreen Review, Witty Partition, and the New Art Examiner. His books are cited in Ghetto Images in Twentieth-Century American Literature by Tyrone Simpson, Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s ‘Love in the Time of Cholera’ by Thomas Fahy, Conversations with Ray Bradbury edited by Steven Aggelis, and David Cohen’s Forgotten Millions, a book about the homeless. His interviews include conversations with Pulitzer Prize-winning author Justin Kaplan, Last Exit to Brooklyn novelist Hubert Selby, Simon & Schuster editor Michael Korda, LSD discoverer Albert Hofmann, Picasso’s model and muse Sylvette David, sci-fi author Ray Bradbury, actor and bibliophile Neil Pearson, and historian Philip Willan, author Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy. In 2023 he published the memoir Intimate Souvenirs, which features an Introduction by Robert Roper and an Afterward by Christopher Sawyer-Lauçanno.
EDITE CUNHÃ who, with M.B. McLatchey, has translated the Maria Horta poems in this issue, is a writer, artist, and activist who believes that creativity can transform the individual as well as society. She leads multi-media art and writing workshops for people of all ages. She is a founding member of Exploded View (a word/art/performance group). Her fiction has been published both locally and nationally, by Puerto del Sol, Jamestown Press, Houghton Mifflin and others. Cunhā has a BA from Smith College and an MFA from Warren Wilson College. She lives Western Massachusetts.
ROSE MARGARET DENIZ is a farm-girl turned expat, full-time content creator, editor, and translator from Turkish to English. Her short story, The Gift of Listening, can be found in Esoterica Magazine. Her YA novel, The Evolution of You and Me, won the 2016 Undiscovered Voices contest in the UK. She holds an MFA in Painting from Cranbrook Academy of Art. Collapsing visual worlds into words is her passion. After a whirlwind, Rose moved from the US Midwest to Turkey. She lives outside of Istanbul in a Turkish village where she raises two bilingual kids and about ten dogs with her husband.
JOHN J. DUNPHY is the author of the haiku collections Old Soldiers Fading Away, Zen Koanhead, Touching Each Tree, and pagan rites. He has three collections of scifaiku: Bullet Cluster, Stellar Possibilities, and Dark Nebulae. Dunphy’s work has been selected for the Red Moon anthologies and several topical anthologies. A poem of his was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2016. He was a judge in the Haiku Society of America’s Henderson Awards for haiku (1993) and Gerald M. Brady Awards for senryu (2014). He is the founder of the Mississippi Mud Daubers Haiku Poets (2006), which produced the anthology Confluence: A Haiku Collection in 2008. In addition to haiku, he is the author of nonfiction books, articles, and newspaper columns. Dunphy is a retired community college instructor and has owned The Second Reading Book Shop in Alton, Illinois since 1987.
PAUL ELIE is a Senior Fellow with the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, the Director of the American Pilgrimage Project, a university partnership with StoryCorps based in the Berkley Center. Before joining Georgetown he spent fifteen years as a senior editor with Farrar, Straus and Giroux in New York. His work deals primarily with the ways religious ideas are given expression in literature, the arts, music, and culture in the broadest sense. He is the author of two books, “The Life You Save May Be Your Own: An American Pilgrimage” (2003) and “Reinventing Bach” (2012), and of essays and articles for The Atlantic, The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Commonweal, and other periodicals. In the American Pilgrimage Project he is examining the ways religious beliefs inform the experiences of the American people at crucial moments in their lives. Elie also coordinates the Faith & Culture Series, sponsored by the Office of the President.
NAOKO FUJIMOTO was born and raised in Nagoya, Japan. Her poetry collections are We Face The Tremendous Meat On The Teppan, winner of C&R Press Summer Tide Pool Chapbook Award by C&R Press (2022), Where I Was Born, winner of the editor’s choice by Willow Books (2019), Glyph:Graphic Poetry=Trans. Sensory by Tupelo Press (2021), and four chapbooks. She is a RHINO associate and translation editor and Tupelo Quarterly translation editor. She is a Bread Loaf Translation scholarship recipient.
JOSEPH HESS is writer living in Columbia, Missouri while attending the University of Missouri, where he studies psychological sciences and English literature. Hess holds an editorial internship at the literary journal, Boulevard, and is social media manager for two organizations in psychology and the arts. Hess writes poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, and is also a percussionist.
MARIA TERESA HORTA has published over thirty books of poetry and fiction. The following poems are taken from Estranhezas, (Dom Quixote, 2018). She is currently working on compiling a new book of poetry dedicated entirely to animals of the wild. Of these she says: “I have always had animals in my books, domesticated animals…But it took a long time to allow the wild animals to enter, because they are not acceptable. To engage with the wild animals, one needs to get under their skins and that is difficult, it’s troubling. It brings much disquietude…because we have to descend in search of the wolf within ourselves. We must accept things [about ourselves] we normally do not want to accept.”
KOBAYASHI ISSA (original name, Kobayashi Nobuyuki) (1763–1828) was a Japanese haiku poet whose works in simple, unadorned language captured profound spiritual loneliness. He traveled extensively through southwestern Japan, leading to the publication of his first collection, Tabishūi (1795; “Travel Gleanings”). Issa’s life was marked by great adversity. He was married three times. Four of his children died in infancy, and his first wife died in childbirth. Issa died before his third wife gave birth to a girl, who survived. Issa wrote thousands of haiku, as well as renga and haibun. Other important works are Chichi no shūen nikki (1801; “Diary of My Father’s Last Days”) and Oraga haru (1819; The Year of My Life).
DORIS JEAN LYNCH recently published the poetry collection, Swimming to Alaska, with Bottom Dog Press. Many of the poems in this collection describe her and her family’s adventures in Alaska, including a year in Kivalina, an Inupiaq village above the Arctic Circle. In 2023, MediaJazz published Meteor Hound, a collection of her haibun. She has won fellowships from the Alaska Council on the Arts, Indiana Arts Council, and the Chester H. Jones Foundation, and awards from the Poetry Society of America, Genjuan International Haibun contest and the Haiku Society of America Haibun contest. She lives in Bloomington, IN.
GIGI MARINO holds an MFA from Penn State and is a poet, essayist, and science writer. Her poems have appeared in Willow Springs, Graham House Review, Sing Heavenly Muse, South Florida Review, Catholic Girls, and The Dream Book: An Anthology of Writings by Italian American Women, among others.
M. B. MCLATCHEY who, with Edite Cunhã, has translated the Maria Horta poems in this issue, is a poet and writing living, writing, and teaching in Florida. Author of six books, including the award-winning titles, Beginners Mind (Regal House Publishing, 2021), The Lame God (2013 May Swenson Award, Utah State University Press) and the forthcoming Smiling at the Executioner (Kelsay Books, Fall 2023), she is recipient of the American Poetry Prize from American Poetry Journal and Professor of Humanities at Embry-Riddle university. Visit her at
TOBIAS MEINECKE is an award-winning film director and founder of the creative media company Love Child. He is one of twelve great-grandchildren of early 20th century Berlin publishing legend Hermann Klemm. Along with Eric Darton, he is the author of a semi-ficionalized account of Klemm’s life and times, the opening section of which appears in this issue. In his youth he published Comic Art, a critical magazine dedicated to the emergence of the graphic novel. Currently, in addition to numerous film and television projects, Meinecke is working on his first collection of short fiction.
LENARD D. MOORE is a poet and anthologist, whose literary works have been published in more than 16 countries and translated into more than 12 languages. Moore is the author of Long Rain, The Geography Of Jazz, A Temple Looming, Desert Storm: A Brief History, Forever Home, and The Open Eye among other books. He is the editor of All The Songs We Sing; One Window’s Light: A Collection of Haiku, winner of the Haiku Society of America 2018 Merit Book Award. He is the founder and executive director of the Carolina African American Writers’ Collective and co-founder of the Washington Street Writers Group. Moore is also the longtime Executive Chairman of the North Carolina Haiku Society. He was the First African American President of the Haiku Society of America. Moore is the winner of the North Carolina Award for Literature, Furious Flower Laureate Ring, Haiku Museum of Tokyo Award, Margaret Walker Creative Writing Award, Indies Arts Award, Cave Canem Fellowships, and a Soul Mountain Retreat Fellowship.
JULIAN NANGLE is a poet and bookseller living in Dorchester, Dorset, UK. He is married to Anna and between them they have 4 surviving children, each with offspring of their own. Julian and Anna are kept busy by their 14 grandchildren. His recent books include Eleven Poems and Poppy and Other Poems of Grief and Celebration. He is also the editor of The Occasional Poetry Mag. His Collected Poems will appear later this year from Alyscamps Press.
TEDDY NORRIS is a retired professor of English who taught composition, poetry, and creative writing for two decades and edited a community college literary journal for five years. Her poems have won recognition in contests, and her work has appeared in various journals, including Adanna, Broad River Review, Cable Street, Flying South, Kakalak, Little Patuxent Review, and The Switchgrass Review. Teddy is the author of two chapbooks, Pillars of Salt and In Transit, published by Finishing Line Press and The Poetry Box, respectively. See more about the poet at
WAFA NOUARI is a Senior Lecturer in the humanities at Batna2 University in Algeria, whose passion for literature, civilization, education, and teaching is evident in all her work. Her poetry has appeared in several collections published on Amazon KDP and other websites, and in Cable Street. Nouari’s writing is a reflection of her philosophical, psychological, and spiritual worldview.
JOSEPH SCHREIBER was the Criticism/Nonfiction Editor at 3:AM Magazine from November 2017 through December 2020, and is also a former editor at The Scofield. His reviews and other writing have appeared at Numéro Cinq, 3:AM, Minor Literature[s], The Quarterly Conversation, The Rusty Toque, Sultan’s Seal, RIC Journal, and more. He reviews books at roughposts.
SUSAN M. SCHULTZ is author of many books of poetry and poetic prose, including Dementia Blog, “She’s Welcome to Her Disease”: Dementia Blog, Vol. 2, and several volumes of Memory Cards. Her most recent book was Lilith Walks, from BlazeVox. Her critical book, A Poetics of Impasse in Modern and Contemporary Poetry was published by the University of Alabama Press. She edited Tinfish Press for over 20 years. She lives in Hawai`i with her husband, Bryant, three cats and Lilith the dog; she is a lifelong fan of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team.
SEI SHŌNAGON (966 CE—unknown?) wrote The Pillow Book, from which her poem is taken, when she was in the court salon of the Empress Teishi. She could read both Chinese and Japanese, and unusual skill for females at that time. Sei Shōnagon became the most famous female writer in the Heian-kyō palace, but she left the palace after Empress Teishi’s death. It is unknown when and where Sei Shōnagon passed away. Her graveyard was never found.
IAN C. SMITH is a writer whose work has been published in BBC Radio 4 Sounds, The Dalhousie Review, Gargoyle, Griffith Review, Honest Ulsterman, Southword, Stand, and The Stony Thursday Book. His seventh book is wonder sadness madness joy, published by Ginninderra, Port Adelaide. He writes in the Gippsland Lakes area of Victoria, Australia and on Flinders Island.
FUJIWARA NO TEISHI, Empress Teishi (977–1001 CE) was beautiful and fragile. She had a dramatically complicated short life, but she was smart. The emperor loved Empress Teishi because she could discuss literature with him all night long. Empress Teishi died before the age of twenty-four, right after she had the emperor’s first son. Her last wish was for the emperor to have Kourui—red tears—from his eyes.
VINCENT TRIPI (1941-2020) wrote haiku and edited haiku for more 35 years and is most closely associated with the spiritual movement in American Haiku. In the early 80’s, Tripi took up the solitary life with a cabin in New Hampshire, where he wrote his first book, Haiku Pond. After moving to San Francisco, he helped form The Haiku Poets of Northern California and was instrumental in creating their first magazine Woodnotes which he co-edited with the late Haiku-Master Paul O. Williams. Tripi is the author of approximately 12 books of haiku, two interview books, and two collections of short meditative-reflections on writing poetry; he also edited a number of books of haiku and haibun In 2006, he founded The Haiku Circle, a completely unique gathering of haiku poets which takes place each year in Massachusetts in early June.
TREVOR WINKFIELD was born in England, but has lived in the States since 1969. He exhibits his paintings at Tibor de Nagy Gallery, most recently in January 2023. He has also collaborated on illustrated books with Ron Padgett, John Yau, Charles North, John Ashbery, Larry Fagin and Kenward Elmslie.
Authors and Translators of Books Reviewed
ED BARRETT (see Authors, Translators, and Visual Artists).
CARLOS FONSECA was born in Costa Rica, grew up in Puerto Rico, and studied in the United States. He was selected by the Hay Festival as part of the Bogotá 39 group (2017), by Granta magazine as one of its 25 best young Spanish-language writers (2021), and by the Encyclopaedia Britannica as one of the twenty most promising writers in the world for its “Young Shapers of the Future” (2022). His previous novels are Colonel Lágrimas and Natural History, both translated by Megan McDowell. His work has been translated into more than ten languages. He is a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
NATALIE MARINO is a poet and physician. Her work appears in Atlas and Alice, Gigantic Sequins, Isele Magazine, Plainsongs, Pleiades, Rust + Moth, The Shore, and elsewhere. Her micro-chapbook, Attachment Theory, was published by Ghost City Press in 2021 and her chapbook, Under Memories of Stars, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2023. She lives in California.
MEGAN McDOWELL has translated many of the most important Latin American writers working today. Her translations have won the National Book Award for Translated Literature, the English PEN award, the Premio Valle-Inclán, and two O. Henry Prizes, and have been nominated for the International Booker Prize (four times) and the Kirkus Prize. Her short story translations have been featured in The New Yorker, The Paris Review, The New York Times Magazine, Tin House, McSweeney’s, and Granta, among others. In 2020 she won an Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
SCHOLASTIQUE MUKASONGA is a French-Rwandan author born in the former Gikongoro province of Rwanda. In 2012, She won the prix Renaudot and the prix Ahmadou-Kourouma for her book Our Lady of the Nile. In addition to being a finalist for the International Dublin Literary Award and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, Mukasonga was rewarded in 2014 with the Seligman Prize against racism and intolerance and in 2015 with the prize Société des gens de lettres. She currently resides in Normandy. (Wikipedia)
RANDON BILLINGS NOBLE is an essayist. Her collection Be With Me Always was published by the University of Nebraska Press in 2019 and her anthology of lyric essays, A Harp in the Stars, was published by Nebraska in 2021. Other work has appeared in the Modern Love column of The New York Times, The Rumpus, Brevity, and Creative Nonfiction. Currently she is the founding editor of the online literary magazine After the Art and teaches in West Virginia Wesleyan’s Low-Residency MFA Program and Goucher’s MFA in Nonfiction Program. You can read more at her website,
TEDDY NORRIS (see Authors, Translators, and Visual Artists).
MARK POLIZOTTI , who has translated Kibogo, by Scholastiqu Mukasonga, is an award-winning translator and the biographer of André Breton. He has translated more than thirty books from the French, and is editor-in-chief of the book publishing program at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. San Francisco’s Arion Press published a limited edition of his translation of Gustave Flaubert’s Bouvard and Pécuchet in 2016, and his translation of Nobel Prize–winner Patrick Modiano’s The Black Notebooks was published in September 2016; (Center for the Art of Translation).
PATRICK PRITCHETT published his latest collection of poetry, Sunderland, in 2023 from Spuyten Duyvil, His other books of poems include Refrain Series, Orphic Noise, Song X, Gnostic Frequencies, and Burn. Scholarly work includes essays on Lorine Niedecker, Ronald Johnson, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Gustaf Sobin, John Taggart, and Michael Palmer. He has taught at Harvard, Amherst College, and Hunan Normal University, and currently lectures in Comparative Literature at Rutgers.
GAIA RAJAN is the author of the chapbooks Moth Funerals (Glass Poetry Press, 2020) and Killing It (Black Lawrence Press, 2022). Her work is published or forthcoming in the 2022 Best of the Net anthology, The Kenyon Review, THRUSH, Split Lip Magazine, diode, Palette Poetry, and elsewhere. Rajan is an intern at Poets House, journal editor for Half Mystic, and web manager for Honey Literary. You can find her online at and @gaiarajan on Twitter and Instagram.
XIAO YUE SHAN is a poet and editor born in Dongying, China, who lives in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, and is the author of the chapbook How Often I Have Chosen Love, published by Frontier Poetry in 2019. She is a co-editor in chief of Spittoon Literary Magazine, editor and designer at Tokyo Poetry Journal, blog editor at Asymptote Journal, and poetry editor at Cicada.
Cable Street Editors
ERIC DARTON is the author of Free City, a novel, first published in 1996 by WW. Norton and recently re-released by Dalkey Archive Press, and the New York Times bestseller Divided We Stand: A Biography of The World Trade Center (Basic Books, 1999, 2011). Other of his writings may be found at,, and Darton is a partner in Love Child, a Berlin-based content developer for film, television, print and online media. He co-wrote, co-produced, and appears in the award-winning feature Asphalt, Muscle & Bone, directed by Bill Hayward. In addition, he teaches college-level literature, writing, urban design, and leads Writing at the Crossroads, an ongoing interdisciplinary prose workshop. He is an IAI-certified instructor in foundational Ba Gua Zhang.
DANA DELIBOVI is a poet, essayist, and translator. Her work has appeared in After the Art, Apple Valley Review, Bluestem, Cathexis, Confluence, Ezra Translations, Moria, Noon: The Journal of the Short Poem, Presence, Psaltery & Lyre, Salamander, and many other journals. She is a 2020 Pushcart Prize nominee, a 2020 Best American Essays notable essayist, and a 2023 winner of the Hueston Woods haiku contest. Delibovi’s poems traveled the St. Louis Metro as part of the Poetry in Motion Series sponsored by the Poetry Society of America. Her translations of the poetry of St. Teresa of Ávila with companion critical essays will be published by Monkfish Book Publishing in October 2024. She posts at X(Twitter), Bluesky, and Instagram and blogs at danadelibovi.
HARDY GRIFFIN is a writer and translator whose novel, Broken Kismet had just won the Eyelands Book Awards grand prize and is coming out in Greek from Strange Days Press. He has published writing in, New Flash Fiction, Alimentum, Assisi, The Washington Post, American Letters & Commentary, and a chapter in The Gotham Guide to Writing Fiction (Bloomsbury). His translations can be found in Words Without Borders, The Istanbul Biennial, and for the award-winning EU-sponsored study Ermeniler, which documents the lives of Armenians living in contemporary Turkey. He is the founding editor of the literary magazine Novel Slices, dedicated solely to the publication of novel excerpts of all genres.
BRONWYN MILLS is the author of Beastly’s Tale (a novel) and Night of the Luna Moths (poetry); her education, an MFA from UMass, Amherst, a Ph.D. from NYU. Mentored by James Tate, Samuel Delany, Kamau Brathwaite, and Ngugi wa Thiong’o she was an Anais Nin Fellow and Fulbright Fellow (La République du Bénin, West Africa) she has lived in Paris, France, New York City, Istanbul, Turkey; Cotonou, Bénin, and Latin America and taught Caribbean literature, African literature, and writing in Istanbul, Bénin, and just outside New York City. Formerly a dance and theatre writer in New England, Bronwyn is a founding co-editor for Cable Street and a Senior Prose Editor for Tupelo Quarterly.Guest-editor for the Turkish issue of Absinthe; New European Writing (#19), her current projects include By the Spoonmaker’s Tomb, a collection of vignettes from her time in Istanbul and the newly finished Canary Club, a novel set in medieval Spain. Most recently, Agni Online has published an excerpt from Spoonmaker. She has also published work on African vodou. More of her work can be found at Bronwyn now lives and writes in a tiny mountain village far, far away.
CHRISTOPHER SAWYER-LAUÇANNO, whose memoir we continue to serialize, is the author of more than two dozen books including biographies of Paul Bowles, E.E. Cummings, and a group portrait of American writers in Paris 1944-1960, The Continual Pilgrimage. For Cable Street (formerly Witty Partition), he translated Salvador Dalí’s prose poem, “San Sebastien,” and several other works. Book translations include work by Paul Eluard, Rafael Alberti, Panaït Istrati, García Lorca, Isidore Ducasse (Comte de Lautreamont as well as the Mayan Books of Chilam Balam. The inaugural issue of Wet Cement Magazine has new work by the author: Night Suite, his newest book of poems, was just published by Talisman House. Other books include, Dix méditations sur quelques mots d’Antonin Artaud, translated by Patricia Pruitt (Paris: Alyscamps, 2018), Remission (Talisman House, 2016), and Mussoorie-Montague Miscellany (Talisman House, 2014). He has written librettos for Thomas Adès (America: A Prophecy Part I), Faber Music/Warner Classics CD, 2011, and for Andrey Kasparaov (Lorca: An Operatic Cycle in Five Acts. Alyscamps, 2022). Until retiring he taught writing at MIT for over a quarter-century. He lives in Turners Falls, Massachusetts. Many of his books are on Amazon and
JAN SCHMIDT has had fiction published in Anti-Heroin Chic, The Wall, Tupelo Quarterly, The Long Story, IKON and New York Stories. In Downtown she published a series of oral history interviews with hard-core, risky individuals and their brushes with salvation. Her short story collection Everything I Need and Other New York Stories was a semi-finalist for the Eludia Award from Hidden River Arts, 2021. Her unpublished novel Sunlight Underground was a finalist for the Novel Slices Award, 2021. Till 2015, she held the position of Curator of the Jerome Robbins Dance Division of The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center. Some of her published writing can be seen on her website
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