Persistent impact of United States’ early history of colonialism, compounded by the transatlantic slave trade…
Consider that in 2021 the richest country in the world, the USA, according to its own governmental census bureau, had a population of 37.9 million people living in poverty, or 11.6 per cent. Approximately 1 in 6 are children. Now, consider that the indigenous population—whose territory was invaded by European colonists—that the national poverty rate for Native Americans was at 25.4% just last year (2022) and in the same year, for those descendents of captive Africans, that the Black or African American poverty rate was 20.8% in 2022.[1] Increasingly, our national and personal activities are performed less and less collectively, with less and less community-mindedness or compassion. Mind, the UK enthusiastically shipped captive Africans to its North American colony, pre- and post-independence, and profited immensely. The current UK Prime Minister—worth millions—heats his personal swimming pool in an environment where many—too many—of his fellow citizens must choose between heating or eating. He and his wealthy cabinet have turned a blind eye to the cost of living crisis among its citizens: there are an estimated 14.5 million people living in poverty in the UK, which represents 22% of the population. Of these, 4.3 million are children[2] or, roughly, one in four.
[2] Accessed 6/4/23